Community Guidelines


We on behalf of XenaTube express our Community Guidelines, which is designed to ensure our community protected.
This procedure allowed and not allowed on XenaTube and apply to all types of content on our basic platform, including videos, comments, links and thumbnails.

The following are the lists included our Community Guidelines:

Spam and Fraudulent Guidelines

Imitation (fake) Policy

We value the safety of our viewers, creators and partners with a highest priority.
We appeal to each of you to help us protecting our valuable community.
It’s important to our viewers, creators and partners to understand our community guidelines, While the role they play in our shared responsibility to keep XenaTube safe.

It is not our policy to increase the number of views, likes, comments or others matrix by using automatic system or serving up videos to unsuspecting viewers.
It is prohibited in XenaTube the content which exists to engage for viewers (Like, Comment, Views, Ext).

Our content creators and channel must follow the policy determined by XenaTube.
Failing which they may be terminated and remove from XenaTube.
If any content of creator violet or policy the content will be remove instantly and email to be sent for their information and their channel will be terminated soon. Further this is to be noted strictly that creator willingly upload any harmful nude sensitive content.
Their channel will be instantly terminated, and they will not open any id in our XenaTube in further.

Impersonation Policy

Xenatube will not allowed any impersonate content or a person or channel in any situation.
Trademarked holder rights will be enforced when a channel or content creator in the channel causes any confusion about the source of their contents may strictly be disallowed.
What Impersonation means for you
If any content posted on XenaTube which fits any of the following description not to be posted.
If any creator copies another content or channels profile, channel background, or overall look in such a way that considered look alike other channels.
The creator doesn’t have to be send person identical while their intention is clear to copy the other.
Links in content
Any type of links using by creators to websites having content that violets community guidelines are not allowed on XenaTube.
It our viewers or users find any content featuring violation of our policy please do report it to our XenaTube team which will help us to help our viewers, user.
If any content like, videos, comments, that you want to report you can report the channel.
What links Regulation means for you
If you are posting content –
Please don’t any links in your content on XenaTube they fit any of the descriptions as following
Links to pornography
Links to websites or apps that install malware.
Links to websites or apps phishing for a user’s login credentials, financial information, etc.
Links to websites, apps, or other information technology that give unauthorized free access to audio content, audio visual content, full video games, software, or streaming services that normally require payment.
Links to websites that seek to raise funds or recruit for terrorist organizations
Links to sites containing child sexual abuse imagery
Links to sites selling items noted in our regulated goods guidelines.
Examples -
Content featuring sexual themed contents a link to a pornography site won’t allowed on XenaTube.
A video or a content in gameplay contents a link to a website promising free in game currency or online store credit but really links to a site that infects the user’s computer with malware.
In case of the illegal practice of attempting to still and identity by setting up a website and encroaching people for any login and password are strictly prohibited.
Any instruction to viewers coping and pasting and unclickable link in the video that leads them to a pornography or spammy site and any provoking users to a website, file hosting service etc. that leads them to access or download child sexual abuse imagery.


The following descriptions are not allowed on XENATUBE:
* Artificially increasing of your subscribers, viewers, likes and comments by using any or paid third party App or Site.
* Posting or uploading any content relating to sexual site or links.
* Repeating same links.
* Uploading or posting Movie links or third-party links.
* Bad comments against any religion, politics or supporting any violent activities.


XENATUBE doesn't allow any movie, music, any videos, TV shows, audio a live streaming copying from other sites or apps.

WHAT happens if you violates our XENATUBE POLICY:-

A warning mail will be sent to the content creator in case of violation of our XENATUBE rules and policy of community guidelines, the creator’s channel or content be terminated instantly.
Moreover, the creators can't reopen channel further and their monetization will stop.
In that case any legal issues arise their on the creator will solely be responsible for this.

Vulnerable Content


In case of uploading 18+ content on our XENATUBE platform the creators must alert of selecting 18+ audience.
If you willingly upload content violating our XENATUBE COMMUNITY GUIDELINE POLICY a warning email will be sent to your channel and the channel will be terminated instantly and monetization will stop.
By mistake if any of your important documents (like, bank a/c details, personal password, email id, ph. no, or any personal documents etc.) shared by your children which may harm to your personal interest, you will be responsible for that.
* FAMILY CONTENT: If The creator uploads any video content relating to family sexual video or relating to sexual content on our XENATUBE PLATFORM are strictly unauthorized. They may liable for legal issues.
* Creators can't upload any sexual videos or content relating to children or under 18 years of age on our Xenatube Platform.
The above-mentioned guidelines applicable in everywhere on our XENATUBE platform as for example videos, video title, video description, comments, stories, community post, live streaming, playlist and any other XENATUBE PRODUCTS or FEATURES.


We care about the safety of our viewers always which is our priority.
The thumbnails you designed must obey our community guidelines given below and if you consider the thumbnails used here is about unpleasant, ugly, relating to porn pls. do report our XENATUBE TEAM.
Our XENATUBE doesn't allow any sexuality, pornography, nudity, ugly, violent image relating bleeding, gore thumbnails, disgusting graphics, vulgar language etc. which beyond our guideline.
Moreover, creator not allowed to design such thumbnails that is not in their content which mislead the viewers.
Despite our community guidelines if any creator intentionally designs forbidden thumbnails their channel will be stopped instantly, and they will be intimated through an email.
Moreover, they will not reopen any channel on our XENATUBE PLATFORM, and they can't make earnings anymore.
For this any legal issues arises the creator will be solely responsible for this.


Our xenatube platform is not the place where to upload this type of video/audio content relating to sextual content, soft pornography, content relating to nudity and any other forbidden content that violet our XENATUBE GUIDELINE.
If any creator uploads such video/audio content that fits with pornography, nudity, sexuality, title, description, comments, thumbnails and other forbidden contents then their channel will be terminated instantly and near future they won't be allowed to reopen channel further on our XENATUBE PLATFORM.
If any legal issues arise for violating the above rules the creator will solely be responsible for this.
As viewer if it seems to be violated the guideline then they ponderously report to our XENATUBE TEAM.


Our XENATUBE PLATFORM doesn't entertain to publish such video/audio relating to provoking suicide, self-injury, rebuking, mental shaking/ harassment and any life streaming videos or audios relating to committing suicide etc.
In spite of this if any creator intentionally includes such forbidden contents, their channel will be terminated instantly.
Further to violet our Xenatube guidelines if any legal issues arise then the creators are to be solely responsible for that.


If any viewer seems that such videos or contents that uploaded which his or her personal related and uploaded without their prior permission, then they are advised to report our XENATUBE TEAM instantly and our team remove that content from our platform within or by 72 hrs.



If any creator uploads any harmful content like physical loss, violent death and illegal jobs which our XENATUBE team won't entertain at all.
If our respected viewers happened to see the content that violets our guideline then report to our XENATUBE TEAM instantly the creators violets the above guidelines governed by XENATUBE, their channel instantly terminated and for this any legal issues arise the creators personally responsible for that.


XENATUBE strongly reject any content that fits with hate indication and violence.
If it is found that the creator includes any content which exclusively other's personal privacy without his/her permission, then the creators will be warned soon, and their video content instantly be removed.
Further they can't able to reopen any channel on our XENATUBE PLATFORM.
And for this any legal issues arise the creator only solely be responsible for that.


If any creator includes any third-party app which plays violence and criminal organizational activity performance and that may apprehend to play an antisocial role in the society, instantly be terminated from XENATUBE PLATFORM.
If they violate our XENATUBE guidelines, their channel instantly be terminated from XENATUBE PLATFORM and any legal issues arise, the creator will be solely responsible for that.


The creator couldn't be approved to upload any shaking, aggressive, violent video graphics that insisted to the viewers to motivate unethical jobs which is fully disallowed in our XENATUBE PLATFORM.
If it is found such unethical graphics videos happened to see by our viewers, then they may report instantly to our XENATUBE TEAM.
And the content will be removed with in or by 72 hours of reporting.
If the creators found to be violated XENATUBE GUIDELINES, their channel instantly be terminated.
Further any legal issues arise then they will solely be responsible for that.



If a creator designed such mal information which play huge risk and sever damage relating to COVID-19 is strongly disallowed on our XENATUBE PLATFORM.
Further if it to spread medical misinformation which contradicts local health authorities or WHO's medical information is not allowed on XENATUBE PLATFORM in any situation.

  • Denial that COVID-19 exists
  • Claims that people have not died from COVID-19
  • Claims that any vaccine is a guaranteed prevention method for COVID-19
  • Claims that a specific treatment or medicine is a guaranteed cure for COVID-19
  • Claims that hydroxychloroquine saves people from COVID-19
  • Promotion of MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) for the treatment of COVID-19
  • Claims that certain people have immunity to COVID-19 due to their race or nationality
  • Encouraging taking home remedies instead of getting medical treatment when sick
  • Discouraging people from consulting a medical professional if they’re sick
  • Content that claims that holding your breath can be used as a diagnostic test for COVID-19
  • Videos alleging that if you avoid Asian food, you won’t get the coronavirus
  • Videos alleging that setting off fireworks can clean the air of the virus and will prevent the spread of the virus
  • Claims that COVID-19 is caused by radiation from 5G networks
  • Videos alleging that the COVID-19 test is the cause of the virus
  • Claims that countries with hot climates will not experience the spread of the virus
  • Videos alleging that social distancing and self-isolation are not effective in reducing the spread of the virus
  • Claims that wearing a mask causes oxygen levels to drop to dangerous levels
  • Claims that masks cause lung cancer or brain damage
  • Claims that wearing a mask gives you COVID-19
  • Claims that the COVID-19 vaccine will kill people who receive it
  • Claims that the COVID-19 vaccine will be used as a means of population reduction
  • Videos claiming that the COVID-19 vaccine will contain fetal tissue
  • Claims that the flu vaccine causes contraction of COVID-19
  • Claims that COVID-19 vaccines are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19
  • Claims that the COVID-19 vaccine causes contraction of other infectious diseases or makes people more vulnerable to contraction of other infectious diseases
  • Claims that the COVID-19 vaccines contain a microchip or tracking device
  • Claims that achieving herd immunity through natural infection is safer than vaccinating the population
  • Claims that COVID-19 never causes serious symptoms or hospitalization
  • Claims that the death rate from the seasonal flu is higher than the death rate of COVID-19
  • Claims that people are immune to the virus based on their race
  • Claims that children cannot or do not contract COVID-19
  • Claims that there have not been cases or deaths in countries where cases or deaths have been confirmed by local health authorities or the WHO

If anyone violates this guidelines their channel will instantly be terminated and incase of arising any legal issues, the creator will solely be responsible for that.



Creators are not allowed to upload any content that shows how to prepare and make or sell firearms and explosives or any video content that shows how to train individuals to use such regulated articles which may cause social damage.
if it is found that the above rules or guidelines violated by any creators then they will be liable for legal issues and their channel instantly be terminated.


XENATUBE not allowed to publish on their platform for any kind of sale of illegal or related goods or articles, sexual products, escort service, sale of organs, explosives, alcohol, bank account pass word, credit cards, financial information, counter feat documents, currency, narcotics, drugs, endangered species and parts of endangered species, fire arms and certain fire arms accessories, nicotine including vaping products, online gambling sites, unprescribed medicines, human smuggling, medical service without license which may incur social safety.

If any creator violates the rules or guidelines relating to the above regulated products, they may be liable for legal issues and their channel will be terminated instantly.
further they won't reopen channel on our XENATUBE PLATFORM in any condition